فلسطين أون لاين

بالفيديو لقطات مرعبة لأخطبوط عملاق يلتف على عنق غطاس.. ويسحبه 40 قدماً تحت الماء

غطاسان صادفا مخلوقاً ضخماً برتقالي اللون أشارا إليه على أنه لاري الأخطبوط الهادي العملاق

تعرض غواص محترف لحادثة غريبة كادت تودي بحياته. فقد أظهرت لقطات صادمة لحظة قيام أخطبوط عملاق بالتشبث به وجره إلى عمق 40 قدما تحت الماء.


I was recently interviewed about this video. Here was my response. WHEN AND WHERE WAS THE VIDEO TAKEN? This video was taken in early October of 2022 on the browning wall north east of port Hardy in the lower Queen Charlotte Straights. British Columbia, Canada. CAN YOU BRIEFLY DESCRIBE WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE VIDEO? While diving on the Browning wall my buddy Stuart Seldon and I got separated upon descent due to the rushing tides. When I descended to about 40’ I began searching for octopus in the cracks and crevices along the wall that was teaming with anemones, soft corals, crustaceans and countless examples of unique marine life. Not far from me, perhaps fifty yards away was Stu with his camera at a similar depth. As he descended he saw a GPO (giant pacific octopus) on the wall. As he hovered motionless in front of this incredible creature he began to set up his camera to take a shot, hoping I would soon join him. As he began to take the photos the GPO jumped on to his camera and wrapped some of its tendrils around Stu’s neck, limbs and torso. In a feeble manner my buddy Stu decided to swim as best he could to show me the GPO I would name Larry. As I looked up from the wall I saw my buddy in an upright stance with an amused if not stunned and confused look upon his countenance. At first I had no idea what I was looking at. A large amber plastic bag, perhaps an old set of bag pipes abandoned at sea, “Oh my god a GPO!” I remembered my GoPro was clipped off on one of my D-rings and so I began to film this abstract visage before me. Soon afterwards Larry, the GPO, lost interest and swam back to the wall and began searching for a new perch. As I filmed the majestic movement of this beautiful beast he began to take an interest in my GoPro, almost attempting to snatch it from my hands but perhaps he had had enough camera candy for the moment. After a brief photo shoot with Larry and I by Stu, I began to see bubbles from different depths so I swam off to notify my fellow divers of this wonderful wild creature above. While I was away swimming, Stu continued to document Larry, the mollusc with eight limbs. Once I notified everyone I returned to a cluster of cameras and swam on to find new creatures and crustaceans along the wall in an ebbing flow. Upon surfacing I found out that Larry a had lunged onto two other cameras held by two fellow divers. It was a memorable dive that will remain forever fixed in my brain. WHAT MADE YOU TAKE THIS VIDEO? See above CREDIT FOR THE IMAGES? Michael Marcotte videographer Stu Seldon Model Larry GPO Model ANYTHING MORE TO ADD? We were staying at the Hideaway, a floating Dive Resort of lowered expectations. This is why we dive!

Posted by Michael Marcotte on Thursday, March 2, 2023

في تفاصيل الحادثة بحسب ما أوردتها "ديلي ميل"، وبينما كان الغواصان مايكل ماركوت وستيوارت سيلدون، الخبيران بالمياه الكندية وما يعيش داخلها، كانا في مهمة بحثا عن أخطبوط في مياه كولومبيا البريطانية عندما صادفا مخلوقًا ضخمًا برتقالي اللون أشارا إليه على أنه لاري الأخطبوط الهادي العملاق (GPO).

أحضر الغواصان معهما معدات الكاميرا المقاومة للماء وصوّرا لحظة عثورهما على المخلوق ذي الثمانية أرجل. وأظهرت اللقطات اقتراب الأخطبوط والسباحة بالقرب من سيلدون قبل أن يلف أرجله ببطء حول معدات الكاميرا وجسمه.

فعندما بدأ سيلدون في التقاط الصور، لف الأخطبوط العملاق بعضًا من أرجله حول عنق الغطاس وذراعيه وسحبه إلى الأسفل بنحو 40 قدما قبل أن يتمكن الغطاس وبروية من تخليص نفسه، في وقت التقط صديقه اللقطات التي لن تمحى من ذاكرته.

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